«At the end of September 1914, I had been gravely injured and I was lying on the ground in misery like my companions. At daybreak, I saw the heavy silhouette of the curate moving around the area. When it came to my turn I said to him in all honesty, 'I am a stranger to your way of worship and I do not share your convinctions'. He replied: 'My child, if you have to appear before the Supreme Judge shortly, know that He will be a judge of love'. This scene is one that I will never forget.»

Rene Cassin Nobel Prize winner and the 4th President of the Honoray Committee of the AIDLR

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The AIDLR congratulates Roberta Metsola on her election as the President of the European Parliament

Brussels, 18 Jan 2022

The AIDLR Associates and the AIDLR Secretary General express their sincere congratulations to Roberta Metsola on her election as President of the European Parliament.

Our Association, whose raison d'être is the defence and promotion of the fundamental right to religious freedom, looks forward to Roberta Metsola's mandate and, in particular, to the fundamental role of the European Parliament in the maintenance, fulfilment and extension of the rights to freedom of conscience, worship and religion, fundamental values of European democracies and inseparable from the European project.

We place ourselves at Ms. President and EP Members disposal for what we wish to be a fruitful cooperation, constituting ourselves as an attentive, available and participative organisation, for consultation and work in the permanent construction of the values of freedom and bridges between the European peoples.

Paulo Macedo

Photo Copyright: © European Union 2022 - Source : EP